Does The Military Diet Burn Fat Or Muscle
The military diet has garnered headlines around the world for claiming you can shift up to 10lbs (4.5kg) of fat in just one week.
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That's an impressive stat, but the internet is littered with diets that make wild fat-loss claims — from the carnivore plan, juice diets, the 'dirty' keto diet, the Mediterranean diet, low-carb, paleo and so much more. With so many to choose from, it's understandable if you're a little lost when it comes to finding a sustainable fat-loss plan.
So you don't have to, we've held the military diet up to the most rigorous of scrutiny to find out whether it's healthy, safe or even possible? Below, we join the ranks on one of the most polarising diets out there. Here's everything you need to know about the military diet.
What Is The Military Diet?
According to, the military diet is a "rapid weightloss plan, enabling you to lose up to 10 pounds in one week, without strenuous exercise or prescriptions".
It's free, requires no book, cooking instructions, expensive food or additional supplements.
The military diet follows a three days on, four days off approach, and gets its name from mimicking the diets of would-be army recruits before selection. Having said that, there have been no ties between the military diet and any specific military group.
Followers of the military diet eat very specific foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, amounting to 1000 to 1200kcal over the three days. For the remaining four days, the diet relaxes — albeit only slightly — as you can eat up to 1500kcal. For reference, most active men need 2200-2600kcal daily.
The Military Diet Shopping List
The military diet is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and there is a version of the diet for each, but without any room for protein supplementation, vegans and vegetarians have to make sure they're getting their protein fix from nuts, beans or tofu.
If you're concerned about your coffee habit don't worry, black coffee is allowed on the diet, but water and caffeine-free herbal tea are the diet's drinks of choice.
The food on the four 'off days' — where you're allowed to eat 1500kcal or lower — is slightly more generous. You're able to choose between dishes like cinnamon porridge, walnut waffles, smoothie and omelettes, but the portions are likely to be a little sparse.
Here's a more comprehensive list of the types of foods that you can eat on the military diet:
- grapefruit
- bananas
- apples
- whole-wheat bread
- peanut butter
- eggs
- tuna
- hot dogs
- green beans
- broccoli
- carrots
- cottage cheese
- cheddar cheese
- vanilla ice cream
And some of the food and drink you aren't allowed on the military diet:
- alcohol (during the 3-days your 'on' the diet)
- cream and sugar (the only sweetener the diet recommends is stevia)
- fruit juice
- milk
- oranges
Who Is The Military Diet For?
We're not looking to insult your intelligence, but the military diet is for anyone looking to lose weight quickly. However, unlike the name suggests, you don't need to be in possession of military-level fitness or have to meet the gruelling standards of the world's fighting elite.
According to the website, the military diet is great for "weight loss emergencies" — an uncomfortable phrase in itself — such as, fitting "into a wedding dress pronto…or [if] your ex is coming to town and you want make them drool". From that you might assume that the military diet has been designed with women in mind, but the diet claims it is also for men. Men looking to follow the diet are advised to "add 100 extra calories per day, preferably in the form of protein, not carbs".
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Is The Military Diet Plan Sustainable?
In a word: no. A diet as restrictive as this is unlikely to result in a strict following for more than four weeks or so. In fact, it's likely to be less as eating just over 1000kcal a day will leave you at best hungry and irritable and at worst it could result in symptoms like nausea, migraines and extreme mood fluctuations.
Like any overly restrictive diet, it is not a sustainable approach to lose weight in the long term
"Like any overly restrictive diet, it is not a sustainable approach to lose weight in the long term," says registered nutritionist and PT, Sophie Thurner.
"Many people see immediate results when following a diet, however only 10 to 20 per cent are able to maintain even 5 per cent of that initial weight loss in the long term. More importantly, studies have shown that roughly 20 to 30 per cent of men and 20 to 55 per cent of women have a history of weight cycling due to restrictive dieting. Yoyo dieting is a health risk factor in itself because of its association with an increased risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. That being said, intermittent dieting can be easier for the dieter and has been shown to lead to better long-term results."
What Are The Benefits Of The Military Diet?
As with most calories-in versus calories-out diets, your weight will begin to drop as you consume fewer calories than you're burning daily. It could therefore theoretically be possible to lose 10lbs on the diet, although in the time-frame of a week it seems largely unlikely and the majority of the weight will be made of water weight — the water being squeezed from your muscles as your body burns through carbohydrates and into glycogen stores and attached water.
There is a surprising benefit, however with the miltary diets choice of foods. You'll notice that there is an adequate effort to balance protein, carbohydrates and fats — the three major food groups. Unlike the Keto diet — which eliminates carbohydrates, a major food group — the military diet does place an emphasis on each muscle-building macronutrient. That said, the military diet has no problem with processed and fatty foods. For example, why a cup of ice cream and hot dogs, but not a full grapefruit?
"The meal plan offered on the military diet is not particularly balanced or nutrient dense," says Thurner. "It suggests items such as vanilla ice-cream, saltine crackers and hot dogs, all of which have healthier alternatives."
What Does Research Say About The Military Diet?
Firstly, it's important to know that the military diet isn't backed by any military organisation or military research centres. Instead, the diet uses processed foods — it's impossible to imagine special forces units swearing by hot-dogs and ice creams— to tempt people into trying the plan.
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The big problem with the military diet is that you're cutting so many calories that it can actually harm weightloss. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drastically cutting calories, as you would be if you were following the military diet, can reduce you metabolism and down regulate your fat burning hormones. In other words, it's completely counter productive.
Is The Military Diet Dangerous?
On the military diet you'll be deliberately depriving yourself of essential vitamins and minerals. To cut a very long story short, a lack of muscle-building protein will cause muscle loss, and you'll be weakening your immune system by not eating enough vitamin A and vitamin B.
The diet also advises followers to walk 30 minutes every day, but if you're already on a cardio, weight lifting or circuit programme then you should stick to it. The lack of specificity is both confusing, counterproductive and potentially dangerous.
"Daily activity is definitely something to be encouraged," says Thurner. "However, the lack of specificity on which type of exercise leaves a lot of room for interpretation. This could be 30 minutes of walking or gentle yoga or it could be 30 minutes of high intensity interval training, which would have a very different caloric output. Again, this is very individual but being on a very low-calorie diet and adding high intensity exercise could, for instance, trigger excess cortisol release. This can lead to weight retention, defeating the purpose of the diet."
In the military diet's defence it does say that "if you ever feel uncomfortable or weak, stop what you're doing." Thanks, guys.
The Military Diet 3-Day Plan:
Military Diet Day 1:
- Cup of coffee or tea
- Half of a grapefruit
- A slice of dry toast
- Half a cup of tuna
- Slice of dry toast
- Black coffee
- 85g of any type of meat
- Cup of green beans
- Half of a banana
- Small apple
- Cup of ice cream
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Military Diet Day 2:
- 1 egg
- 1 slice of toast
- 1/2 banana
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 1 hard boiled egg
- 5 saltine crackers
- 2 hot dogs (without bun)
- 1 cup of broccoli
- 1/2 cup of carrots
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
Military Diet Day 3:
- 5 saltine crackers
- 1 slice of cheddar cheese
- 1 small apple
- 1 hard boiled egg (or cooked however you like)
- 1 slice of toast
- 1 cup of tuna
- 1/2 banana
- 1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Military Diet Day 4-7:
Unfortunately, there's still dieting on the military diet plan's out four days. No food groups are restricted and there's no restriction, but you have to keep your total daily calorie count under 1500kcal, keeping portions small and healthy.
Military Diet: The Final Verdict
So, should you enlist? Well, seeing as you've made it this far, you've (hopefully) realised that the military diet has no legs. Yes, a caloric deficit can bring about weightloss, but the safest option is to do it moderately. Culling your intake by almost 1000kcal will be harming your body more than it's helping it, so instead look to drop 200kcal a day to lose weight gradually and safely.
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A study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science concluded that it is "overly optimistic to expect a simple solution to such a complex and multifaceted problem [obesity and weightloss]. Given that the body actively attempts to maintain its existing body weight, we need to learn how to outflank such mechanisms. A first step will be to get beyond simply trying to reduce caloric intake." Clearly, the military diet doesn't go anywhere beyond that first step.
We don't want to leave you with no hope though, so if you're looking for a way to measure how much food you should be putting on your plate, use this easy hack to assess portion size: a palm of protein, a thumb of fats, a cupped hand of carbs and a fist of vegetables.
Healthier Ways to Lose Belly Fat
If you want something a little more scientific then certainly don't rely on the military diet — or any other fad diet — to start losing stubborn fat. Thankfully, there's a far simpler equation. Use an online TDEE calculator to calculate your daily calorie expenditure and reduce your daily intake by around 100-200kcals to start losing weight. Remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, so it will take time — but results will come. Compound moves such as deadlifts, above, are an ideal full-body exercise that scorch through kcals, provide full-body strength and will eventually help get your six-pack abs on show.
Good luck.
Edward Cooper Ed Cooper is the Deputy Digital Editor at Men's Health UK, writing and editing about anything you want to know about — from tech to fitness, mental health to style, food and so much more.
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Does The Military Diet Burn Fat Or Muscle
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